Internet rumors are many ways to lose weight, in fact, many of which are fiction, of itself, not personal experience, which is now eight children's repeated the baseless assertion and hurt many people. In fact, as long as the eating of the dinner, retracted little stomach for 10 days, 1 month lean 15 pounds is not difficult. Need vigorous exercise? Do not. Need to starve it? Do not have to.
As a Beijing high-end women's club nutritionist, my own experience I tell you a fact: the way in your weight loss, most of the ideas are wrong, although many people lean down, but the injured spleen Shang Wei, a lot of MM get that endocrine disorder, affecting an official holiday, the rally even more numerous examples of the.
I tell you: dinner to lose weight, from the Chinese point of view, it is a diet, also known as food therapy. As we all know, in ancient times, diet is very important treatment method in the later extension of the medication from the diet, only the so-called diet pills today. Therefore, we can say that diet is the medication of our ancestors, very great.
Why great? Because I have seen many examples, as long as the diet the right way, the speed is too fast to lose weight, eat a reasonable dinner, even more than a few hungry Dayton has more than thin. Also, be sure that the diet is the only way of regulating cell metabolism balanced. What does this mean?
Thin means that you can eat into the body, not easily gained over, this process is actually only 3 months only.
Some people intuitively think: slow weight loss meal treatment. So please answer me, you lose weight meal treatment before? On the way you use it? Easily find recipes, eat meals 3,5 days of treatment can also be called? I know of many people, including myself, are weight loss diet, 10 days will be able to retract the belly bulge, thin 8-15 pounds 1 month, two months, even the most difficult thin thin thighs can go back. And, without any side effects.
Now, many stars are having dinner with the treatment from the meals to lose weight, weight loss Why is good to eat dinner?
First, start with the mouth, the same fat from the mouth, body fat, calories are the diet and, therefore, go down through the diet is the right path, not weight loss drugs.
Second, the dinner will directly affect the intake of the body the next day, or even 7 days after intake, your diet 3 days, maybe you lost points, but once you eat a little later point, the body should You owe it all before absorption back, bounce very fast. Chu Laihun, sooner or later have to repay. See, eat dinner, how important links of the weight loss.
Third, the weight reduction are difficult to dinner can help cut down the fat. In fact, a lot of MM because of obesity caused by abnormal cell metabolism. Analogy, the cell eat 1 gram of things, most people can emit 0.5 grams of garbage, oil. And you can only emit 0.1 grams, the remaining waste, grease have accumulated in the cells, and can not fat it? And food therapy, is the best way to regulate cell metabolism, many people broke through the bottleneck of food treatment, into Thin body, not easily gained over.
The following examples give a very shocking, I have witnessed.
I have a height 164, weight 140 pounds of weight loss treatment and meals rich woman, and she showed me photos, previously regarded as a beauty, only 100 pounds or so, she is great. Beijing since married a wealthy real estate out after eating and drinking to worry about, a variety of high-calorie snacks eat more, do not exercise, and soon had 140 pounds. I gave her a dinner recipe, less than one and a half, she excitedly went to our club. She was wearing tights, very sexy, met an acquaintance to say hello, look confident. She lost a large circle, reduced to 118 kg. Speed of less than a month and a half, lost 22 pounds, shook it?! You hungry to hungry out? Laxative to crash out? This is the power of food treatment.
Spread of the Internet have the effect of those measures? I specializes in collecting a bit and found some ways seem very reasonable, in fact, absurd, such as X-day diet. Lean down, I can 100% conclusion, basically a rebound. Such as the XXX diet, it is a kind of torture on the human body. Here, I will not name the.
Here, I give you a very good meal recommend treatment programs - weight loss Korea BOA dinner is more popular high-end women's clubs, the Internet also began to talk about someone. After the birth of my baby I've eaten, weight loss rate is relatively fast in the diet, lost 13 pounds a month did not rebound.
However, I must remind you that if obesity is genetic, do not eat dinner BOA weight, the effect is not good. If is a favorite snack, do not love exercise-induced fat, obesity, fully worthy of use. This approach is possible, not hungry, no side effects, suitable for lazy people lose weight. However, I still would like to remind: eat less and exercise or weight loss king.